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Pui Kiu College Parent-Teacher Association Limited

CUHK - Summer Programme for S5 Students

CUHK Summer Institute

Entering university may be the dream of every secondary school student. However, it has never been an easy task for pre-university students to decide on their future studies without learning more about the disciplines in which they are interested. How can we inspire them and provide them with insights into their future studies?




Programme in 2016 (16-29 July)

The CUHK Summer Institute is a two-week summer programme designed for S.5 students (or their equivalence) applying to universities after the summer holiday. The 2016 programme, to be held from 16 to 29 July, will help students to explore their interests in different disciplines before university application. The programme also provides an opportunity for students to experience university residential life. 

By joining SI, participants make a headstart on their journey to undergraduate studies at CUHK.  Upon successful completion of the programme,  they will receive a Certificate of Achievement, which can be submitted as part of their personal portfolio when they apply for admission to CUHK. Non-academic/ holistic achievements of applicants will be considered when their applications are reviewed.


Who can apply?

Students applying to universities in 2017 are welcomed to join the CUHK SI. 


Details please visit http://www.osp.cuhk.edu.hk/si/programme