家教會會籍生效於每學年度的9月1日,並止於翌年8月31日(即有效期為一個學年),如家長發覺會籍過期或尚未入會、請即《 續會/入會》。另外, 請參閱有關本會的個人資料(私隱)聲明。
PTA Membership starts each year on 1st Sept and ends on 31st August the next year. Please 《 Apply for/Renew》 membership. Please note our Personal Data (Privacy) Statement.
All rights reserved © 2013
Pui Kiu College Parent-Teacher Association Limited
上述選舉的提名期經已結束, 共有 2名候選人參選。候選人的資料和他們的自我推介已放於學校內聯網,請各位家長細閱。候選人編號是依英文姓名字母順序排列,選票將於幾天後由班主任經學生派發給各位家長。請注意以下的重要資料和日子。
The deadline for nomination had already expired. There are 2 candidates nominated for this election. Details and self-introduction of the candidates for parents’ reference have been posted in the school e-class. Candidate numbers were assigned according to the alphabetical order of their names. Ballot papers will be distributed by Class teachers to all parents through students a few days later. Please be reminded of the following important information and dates.
投票日期及時間共三天:2014年3月4日(二) 至3月6日 (四)(上午八時至下午四時正)
Polling Date and Time : Three days: 4th -6th March 2014 (8am to 4pm)
『點票會』日期、時間及地點: 2014年3月8日(六)上午10時正於學校中學部地下小禮堂舉行,歡迎所有家長到場。如欲參與,請填寫及交回以下回條。
Date, Time & venue for vote counting : 8th Mar 2014 (Sat) at 10:00am at Small Assembly Hall on G/F of Secondary Section. All parents are welcome. Anyone who would like to attend, please fill out and return the reply slip.
Date for announcement : 2014年3月10日(一) 將於學校內聯網公佈選舉結果。
Election results will be announced at the school e-class on 10th Mar 2014