家教會會籍生效於每學年度的9月1日,並止於翌年8月31日(即有效期為一個學年),如家長發覺會籍過期或尚未入會、請即《 續會/入會》。另外, 請參閱有關本會的個人資料(私隱)聲明


PTA Membership starts each year on 1st Sept and ends on 31st August the next year. Please 《 Apply for/Renew》 membership.  Please note our Personal Data (Privacy) Statement.



All rights reserved © 2013
Pui Kiu College Parent-Teacher Association Limited


上述選舉的候選人的資料和他們的自我推介經已提供了給各位家長參考, 請於以下投票日依照以下程序投票。The information of the candidates in the above election and their self-introduction (if any) were distributed to parents for reference. Please vote on the polling dates as per the manner described below.


  1. 所有學校現有學生的家長均符合資格投票。學校教師只要是現有學生的家長,也有權投票。所有合資格投票的人士都享有同等的投票權。每名家長不論其就讀子女的數目,只可有一票,並以個人身分投票。家教會經班主任分派兩張選票予每名學生,讓其父母各投一票。如學生另有監護人或實際管養該學生的人,在要求及提供證明後,也可給予選票。
    All parents of current pupils of the school are eligible to vote. A teacher of the school who is the parent of a current pupil of the school also has the right to vote. Every eligible elector has equal voting right. Every parent should vote individually and should have only one vote irrespective of the number of children the parent has at the school. PTA will through class teachers give each student two ballot papers for the father and mother to vote individually. On request and upon proof, a ballot paper may be given to the guardian of the pupil or the person having actual custody of the pupil.
  2. 為確保選舉公平,投票應以不記名方式進行,即投票人不得在選票上寫上自己的姓名或任何可辨識身分的符號,亦不得讓其他投票人目睹他投票給那一位候選人。
    To ensure a fair election, the voting should be conducted by secret ballot, i.e. electors are not allowed to put down their names or any other marks of identification on the ballot paper and should not let the other electors see whom they have voted for.
  3. 填寫選票前請細閱現附上選票內列出的「投票須知」。
    Please read carefully the “Directions for Voting” in the enclosed ballot paper before casting vote.
  4. 填好選票後,請記著把信封封好,然後把該信封交予你的子女讓他/她帶回班主任,班主任會安排將之放進上述投票箱內。
    After marking the ballot, please seal the envelope and then give it to your son/daughter for handing over to his/her class teacher who will arrange to drop it in the said ballot boxes.


投票日期及時間 :  2014年3月4日(二) 至3月6日(四) (上午八時至下午四時正)

Polling Date and Time : 4th -6th Mar 2014 (8am to 4pm)


『點票會』日期、時間及地點 : 2014年3月8日(六)上午10時正於學校中學部地下小禮堂舉行,歡迎所有家長到場。

Date, Time & venue for vote counting : 8th Mar 2014 (Sat) at 10:00am at Small Assembly Hall on G/F of Secondary Section. All parents are welcome.



Votes Counting Date will be held on the date and at the time and venue described above. All parents are invited by PTA to attend and supervise.




培僑書院家長教師會 謹啟

Pui Kiu College Parent-Teacher Association

