家教會會籍生效於每學年度的9月1日,並止於翌年8月31日(即有效期為一個學年),如家長發覺會籍過期或尚未入會、請即《 續會/入會》。另外, 請參閱有關本會的個人資料(私隱)聲明。
PTA Membership starts each year on 1st Sept and ends on 31st August the next year. Please 《 Apply for/Renew》 membership. Please note our Personal Data (Privacy) Statement.
All rights reserved © 2013
Pui Kiu College Parent-Teacher Association Limited
為時一個多月的籌款活動已經在2009 年11 月20 日完滿結束。我們一共為吾利老師籌得港幣二十三萬零六百二十六元正(HK$230,626.00),剛好超出我們原定的目標。這次我們能在短短一個多月就籌得這筆善款,完全有賴各位家長、同學以及老師的大力支持、踴躍捐輸所致。我們作為培僑書院的一分子,應該值得驕傲。
下一步我們將會由張聖君副校長在12 月中旬代表我們到甘肅,親自把各位的善款交給吾利老師。希望這筆善款能夠幫助吾利老師購買藥物、調理身體,以盡快恢復健康,好讓她重執教鞭,培育更多人才。當吾利老師收妥善款後,我們會再次通知各位。
月7 日開始陸續發出。如在本年12 月30 日前仍未收到捐款收條,
請致電家教會熱線 3615 0207 留言查詢。
Dear Parents,
It has been more than a month since we appealed for your benevolence to Teacher Wuli. We are pleased to inform you all that the target is
met with a total of HK$230,626
being raised. Your generous support has made the mission possible. As a member
of the Pui Kiu Family, we should be proud of our effort.
Dr. SK Cheung, Deputy Principal of Pui Kiu College will pay a personal visit to Gansu in mid December to deliver the money to Teacher Wu. We sincerely hope that Teacher Wu will recover from the operation soon and will return to school in a healthy state.
Receipts for the donation will be prepared commencing on 7th December. If you have not received your receipt by 30th December, please call the PTA
hotline at 3615
0207 to leave a voice mail.
Yours sincerely,
Pui Kiu College Parent-Teacher Association Ltd.
24th November 2009